Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Phase 2

Instructional Decisions/Teaching:
During the presentation of our lesson a few things were brought to our attention. The first was that the group who had to research the Scandinavians had way more information on multiple to country rather than just one like all the other groups. As a teaching team we decided to allow the one group to pick one of the countries covered in the Scandinavians portion of the online presentation. The figure below depicts the multiple choices this group had to choose from.

To make sure that everyone was able to find the needed material we realized that students were going to need to search a few different websites unlike what we had planned. One group pointed out that was a very resourceful tool and we then announced to the class that they were allowed to use if they too were experiencing trouble. The figure below is the home page of

Assessment of Learning:
We were able to assess student learning in two ways 1) after making flash cards they had to complete an online matching test and 2) we were able to view the electronic flash cards each group made. For the first assessment we had the students raise their hand once they had completed their test and then we would mark down their score on a grade sheet; every group got 100% on their matching test. For our second assessment we had to spend time reading what the students put for their answers on their electronic flash cards. This enabled us to make sure that each group was able to find the correct information. In a real classroom setting we would have graded the flash cards first to ensure that the students had the correct information while they practiced with their electronic flash cards. The figure depicted below shows the dashboard on where we have access to each group’s electronic flash cards.
We feel were we successful presenting the information to the class because there was great discussion throughout the lesson about the topic and the students were able to successfully make flash cards using While we presented the information to the class we were able to hold discussions with the class about multiple topics such as what it was like once an immigrant reached Ellis Island. Students were also very successful in creating their electronic flash cards on and we even noticed groups taking the time to play with the different options before taking their quiz to ensure that they passed it. Below we have an image of one of the games students can play on

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