Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Phase 1: Designing Instruction

The instructional design is contextually and logically organized. This lesson is about building information on what they already know, introducing them to more information about what is immigration/emmigration and finally focusing on different groups of immigrants/emigrants that came to the United States.

The instructional methods are as follows:
  • KWL Webspiration with class covering the following questions:
    • What is immigration/emigration?, Why would they come to the United States? What is Ellis Island? What is Angel Island? What is the Statue of Liberty and what does it stand for?

  • Powerpoint that will introduce students to the the difference between immigration and emigration, Angel and Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
  • A short video will be viewed by the students and a short discussion about the video will follow.
  • The students will then be given their assignment and will work in groups together to create their flash cards on quizlet.com

Diffferentiated Instruction:
  • For gifted students the teachers will provide additional web sites and they will be allowed to create their own flash cards answering another set of questions.
  • For ELL students those at-risk resources that contain all of the information but are easier to read.
Technology will be intergrated in several ways including: webspiration.com, powerpoint, video, research on website provided by the teacher and creating flash cards using quizlet.com.

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