Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Phase 1: Assessing Prior Knowledge

We would assess prior knowledge by leading a casual class discussion. The questions would include: What is immigration/emigration?, Why would they come to the United States? What is Ellis Island? What is Angel Island? What is the Statue of Liberty and what does it stand for? The teacher will use webspiration to display the students' thoughts. Depending on what the students' prior knowledge is regarding the topics, we will focus more on what they do not know/confused about and focus less on what they already know.

User ID: MsPattyMsKara
Password: school

Phase 1: Plans Instruction

Our goals, objectives, and outcomes that are aligned with the third grade standard are as follows:
  • TSW define immigration and emigration.
  • TSW explain the reasons why people came to the United States (i.e the push and pull reasons)
  • TSW describe experiences of emigrants after their settlement in the United States.

State Standard:

Third Grade, Social Studies
  • Strand 1: American History
    • Concept 7: Emergence of the Modern United States
      • Performance Objective 2: Describe the experiences (e.g., new language, customs, opportunities, hardships) in immigrants' lives after setline in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries

Phase 1: Designing Instruction

The instructional design is contextually and logically organized. This lesson is about building information on what they already know, introducing them to more information about what is immigration/emmigration and finally focusing on different groups of immigrants/emigrants that came to the United States.

The instructional methods are as follows:
  • KWL Webspiration with class covering the following questions:
    • What is immigration/emigration?, Why would they come to the United States? What is Ellis Island? What is Angel Island? What is the Statue of Liberty and what does it stand for?

  • Powerpoint that will introduce students to the the difference between immigration and emigration, Angel and Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
  • A short video will be viewed by the students and a short discussion about the video will follow.
  • The students will then be given their assignment and will work in groups together to create their flash cards on quizlet.com

Diffferentiated Instruction:
  • For gifted students the teachers will provide additional web sites and they will be allowed to create their own flash cards answering another set of questions.
  • For ELL students those at-risk resources that contain all of the information but are easier to read.
Technology will be intergrated in several ways including: webspiration.com, powerpoint, video, research on website provided by the teacher and creating flash cards using quizlet.com.

Phase 1: Planning Assessment

The students electronic flash cards will be graded using the attached rubric. They will also receive a grade on the test that they take after making their flash cards on quizlet.com.

The assessment tools demonstrate the performance of linked goals and/or objectives. The objectives for this lesson are as follows:
  1. TSW define immigration and emigration.
  2. TSW explain the reasons why people came to the United States (i.e the push and pull reasons)
  3. TSW describe experiences of emigrants after their settlement in the United States
The students will be using quizlet.com to create flashcards answering the following questions related to the objectives mentioned above:
  1. What language do they speak? What language do they need to learn to communicate?
  2. What customs did they bring from their homeland? What new customs did they form in the U.S.?
  3. What opportunties did they have in their homeland? In the U.S.?
  4. What hardships did they have in their homeland? In the U.S.?
  5. What is immigration? What is emigration?
  6. What is the Statue of Liberty? What is the famous sonnet written by Emma Lazarus?
  7. Where is Ellis Island and Angel Island located? Who passed through these stations?

The needs of individual students will be met in several ways. There will be visuals, audio, class dicussions, group discussions and group work. All of these different methods will allow for meeting the needs of indivdual students.